Health Workers for Climate Justice
What we campaign for
Millions of people in the UK live in homes that are cold, damp, and mouldy. We can’t afford our energy bills, our houses are poorly insulated, and our government continues to rely on dirty, expensive fossil fuels.
Homes should be a place of comfort, health and security. Instead, across the UK, homes have become sites of illness. They are rendered cold and damp by poor insulation and sky-high energy prices.
As people working in health, we see the sharp end of this crisis in our workplaces and in our communities. These problems cannot be solved by the health system.
Building on previous work in our Health for a Green New Deal campaign, we are fighting for climate justice by calling for:
- Quality homes for all
- Energy justice
- A rapid just transition away from fossil fuels
Check out our briefing “The Public Health Case to Heat our Homes not our Planet”
Events and meetings
How we plan to win
1. National organising
We meet monthly as a campaign group to strategise on how we can advocate for national policy change and actively support these campaign groups and coalitions:
- Warm this Winter campaign
- End Fuel Poverty coalition
- Energy for All campaign
To get involved with our national climate justice work get in touch with: [email protected].
2. Local organising
As part of the wider Homes for Health Network we organise locally alongside community groups and tenant unions to win local campaigns fighting for energy and housing justice.
To get involved with our local organising get in touch with: [email protected]
Medact’s Climate Justice and Economic Justice campaigns have come together in the fight to win healthy homes for all, as part of the wider struggles for climate, housing and economic justice.
Our groups and members are getting organised to fight for healthy homes and win. Check out the tools we need to take action as health workers!